At 07:25 PM 8/13/2002 +0100, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

>The above email got bounced, does anyone know why? Neither my (
>nor the IP's are blacklisted anywhere I can find.
>is on one list (, but that isn't (?) the sender. was on spam blocklists until very recently - see*&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=UTF-8&scoring=d&

for a discussion of that, or

for the literal details including results of relay tests;

and see*&hl=en&lr=lang_en&ie=UTF-8&scoring=d&selm=001901c1ead6%24c6bd9a20%244fcf44c6%40default&rnum=4

for an example of spam that was relayed through that server.

>Osirusoft seems to be a spam blocker, but blocking legitimate mail is going
>too far. I'd rather have the spam. And I object strongly to third (or
>fourth) parties deciding what to do with my mail.

It's the recipient, or someone acting on their behalf, who's deciding what 
to do with
*their* mail, at least from the recipient's perspective.

Greg Broiles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- PGP 0x26E4488c or 0x94245961

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