On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 10:25:32PM -0400, Sam Ritchie wrote:
| On 9/21/02 11:08 AM, "Greg Vassie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| >> Interesting little article from
| >> http://pass.maths.org.uk/issue21/news/random_privacy/index.html:
| >> 
| >> Excerpt:
| >> "Right now, the rate of falsification on Web surveys is extremely high,"
| >> says Dr Ann Coavoukian, the commissioner of information and privacy in
| >> Ontario, U.S.A. "People are lying and vendors don't know what is false [or
| >> what is] accurate, so the information is useless."
| > 
| > As a resident of Ontario, Canada, I'm quite surprised to learn that
| > Ontario has been annexed by the United States.
| > 
| ACTUALLY, not to split hairs or anything, but Ontario's also a city in
| Southern California. (East of LA...)

Does anyplace in the US have an information and data protection


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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