> > > > "Our overriding purpose, from the
> > > > beginning through to the present
> > > > day, has been world domination -
> > > > that is, to build and maintain
> > > > the capacity to coerce everybody
> > > > else on the planet: nonviolently,
> > > > if possible, and violently, if
> > > > necessary. But the purpose of US
> > > > foreign policy of domination is
> > > > not just to make the rest of the
> > > > world jump through hoops; the
> > > > purpose is to faciliate our
> > > > exploitation of resources." -
> > > > Ramsey Clark, former US Attorney 
> > > > General

From: "Trei, Peter"
> The Sun is an alternative news magazine
> which has been in print since 1974.
> It's mammothly unlikely that they would
> fabricate the interview out of whole
> cloth, since Clarke would sue for libel 
> and/or defamation.

On the contrary, this is standard routine
communist behavior. They are always
inventing fantastic citations, for
example the much quoted "Intoxicating
Augmentation" quote that Karl Marx 
attributed to Gladstone (then prime
minister of England) which generation
after generation learned scholars have
learnedly cited as evidence that free 
market capitalism was bad for workers.

Since Clarke is a public figure he cannot
sue for libel, so he is a good peg to
hang such a citation on.  If Karl Marx
could get away with attributing fantastic
citations to the Prime Minister, "the 
sun" can certainly get away with
attributing them to an attorney general.
The enormous flood of such bogus
citations make it unlikely that any one 
of them will be challenged.   Look at
Chomsky. Every few pages he has a
similarly fraudulent citation, and no one
ever sues him, even though in some cases
one can check the materials he cites, and
find that he is lying.  
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