We were at the DC march. It took two hours to pass a point, and we left
before the end had appeared, in fact couldn't see the end. The Wash Post
over 100,000 participated, "largest since Vietnam."

We videoed and photoed the demo, but tape and chip were confiscated Sunday
by the guards at Warrenton Training Center, Site D, near Brandy Station, VA,
Site D is the global comm center for State and DoD, and reportedly the CIA:


I asked if the shoulder of the road was federal property. Their answer: yes.
The state trooper looked at the ground and scratched it with his shoe.
I said the no trespass sign was twenty feet from the road. A guard said
the road is federal property.

A VA state trooper participated as well, but after checking our rental car
had nothing to say about the alleged trespass. We were on the shoulder
of the road along Site D.

We asked what database our (me and wife) ID stuff would be put into.
The guards said it will go in our own db and will not be available to anyone
else, for example, if you are pulled over by the police and a run is made on
you, this incident will not appear.

I asked if they were contract guards and the answer was no, we are federal

The golf ball antenna are giant-sized, some 80 feet in diameter and are
visible from a half-mile away. An enclosing fence stops at a line of trees and
the site is open thereafter. I asked why does the fence stop. A guard said it
just does. I asked if the site allows visitors. Answer: no.

We were told to call the site's public affairs office to check on the
status of
our tape and chip. Frissell, no warrant, just a command to hand over the 
tape and chip or the equipment. 

What terrorism analysts will be made of two hours of DC-demo tape is a duh.

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