At 10:13 AM 11/4/02 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>This is an interesting much information can be gleaned from

>encrypted "payloads"?

Traffic analysis (who, how frequently, temporal patterns)
Size of payload

Is it possible for a switch or whatever that has
>visibility up to layers 4/5/6 to determine (at least) what type of file
>being sent?


Modern network equiptment can examine all the way up to "layer 7".
Can tell that you're sending an .mp3 and will cut your QoS, if that's
the policy.

> Can it determine at what layer encryption was performed?

Various "packet classification" hardware companies [1]
 make chips to find fields in headers.
(The classification chips pass this info to the NPU)
IPsec, SSL are trivial.  App-level crypto is
easy if the crypto has signatures, like "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----".

Steganography + encryption, however, is pretty tough.  The S/N
ratio can become useless due to false alarms.  The Feds probably
have an enormous collection of intercepted arab baby pictures...

[1] Here's a blurb from
Based on programmable state machine technology and a powerful,
pattern description language, our scalable, forward-compatible, and
 classification processors can be configured to closely inspect packets
for vital
 information up to and including Layer 7. The information collected can
then be used to
 make intelligent routing and switching decisions for service,
application, and QoS
 requirements. This improves the speed, power and efficiency of next
 network processing architectures, facilitates the delivery of
content-based services
 and enables true QoS for differentiated services.

CALEA: What did you think layer 7 awareness meant?

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