Any wide-dissemination system must be distributed. Usenet used to fill this
role, but due to aggregation of major nodes and feeds it is not that any more.

Anything on the "web" has fixed pointers and already is or soon will be become
chokable. I'd be surprised if there is no development in progress to install
real time packet sniffin' and droppin' silicon on major exchange nodes,
remotely loaded with patterns that identify the undesireables. Suddenly you get
disappeared and invisible.

Forget crypto and stego - it's not happening for the critical mass. Bootleg
entertainment exchange P2P software offers some window, but it is progressively
being hamstringed with TOS agreements and upcoming metered access (pay per Gb),
and once freebies are gone, how many will bother to maintain and develop P2P
networks for the old fashioned purpose of political activism ?

We need to look beyond internet as it is today.

(of original message)

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