On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> > > According to this link,
> > > http://www.infoanarchy.org/?op=displaystory;sid=2002/11/11/4183/2039
> > > a new form of digital cash called "yodels" is being
> > > offered anonymously:

On 12 Nov 2002 at 7:31, Steve Schear wrote:
> Correct they are a bearer share issuer, like the Digicash
> licensees before them.  They claim to hold value denominated
> in some units of account (in their case DMT) as their asset
> backing.  The challenge for Yodel will come in convincing
> potential users that: DMTs have sustainable value, that Yodel
> is really fully backed by DMTs, that Yodel's operators can be
> trusted not to abscond with the value exchanged for Yodels or
> refuse to exchange them for DMTs at some future time.  All
> while reamining anonymous.  A pretty tall order I should
> think.

Pseudonymous, not anonymous.  What is a corporation but a nym?
Any swindling you can do with a pseudonym, you can do with a

> At least initially, many Yodel users may want only to use
> them mainly as a mixmaster between DMT accounts.

With e-gold, one can perform one's mixing in a furnace.  With
DMT, cryptographic mixes are the only practical solution.

Problem is that most users will not understand cryptographic
mixing, whereas they do understand a furnace.

         James A. Donald

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