On 14 Nov 2002 at 14:47, Andrew John Lopata wrote:
> I'm no expert, but a friend of mine in the military suggested 
> that invading Iraq now would be a lot different than the Gulf 
> War.  He said that urban combat, which will be necessary to 
> depose Hussein, is the most difficult and dangerous type of 
> combat there is.

The last time the US engaged in urban combat, Somalia, US 
troops took significant casualties, and innocent bystanders 
suffered enormous casualties.

In Afghanistan, urban combat was avoided by three a dimensional 
envelopment.  The enemy inside the city was threatened by 
ground troops outside the city, from the sky, and by subversion 
from within the city.  It was this final threat, subversion 
from within, combined with containment from above and around, 
that provoked capitulation.

This third element, subversion from within, may well be 
unachievable in Iraq, or if it is achievable, the regular army 
not very deft at getting it done.

For the Iraq war to be completed without enormous civilian 
casualties, massive destruction of infrastructure, and 
intolerable US casualties, successful political warfare is 
likely to be essential.

> There is no readily available alternate government to install 
> in Hussein's place.  The resulting destabilization in the 
> region will likely result in a U.S. military presense in the 
> country for a much longer time than in the Gulf War.

When the US defeated Nazi germany, the nazi government was 
largely obliterated, and the remaining apparatus of government 
mostly signed up with the German communist party, which had 
been the second largest party before the nazis, and which was 
subservient to the Soviet Union.   Thus the US eventually had 
to suppress every vestige of German government and foster a new 
government from nothing.  It took about five years for a 
plausibly German government to get its hands on the reins of 
power, and few more years for it to get rid of the institutions 
and apparatus of nazism. 

         James A. Donald

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