17 is clearly an error,a couple were neutralized/captured and we are now down to 11 disciples plus Mongo.(12 if you include me:)
Still we must not be discouraged,remember Thermopylae,remember the bridge,Horace,the Trojan horse,Achilles,the battle of Britain,lord beaver.
Its just been repeated that its now widely believed codecracking wiped two years off Wwar2.and you are either with Choate or you are with the terrorists.
I suspect 5 odd 'members' are LEO's,spooks and assorted filth.They don't communicate well together...yet.(need homeland security Zippy?)
367 ElMatti Ahmad
369 ElMatti Badr
367 ElMatty Ahmad
369 ElMatty Badr
367 Elmoati Ahmed
"When cypherpunks are labeled terrorists,then we shall know we have done our jobs."

Font- Daschle Anthrax bold.

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