
The methodology is very simple again.

'A'  uses a very strong crytographic algorithm which
would be forced out by rubber horse cryptanalysis
Now if Aice could give another key k` such that the 
cipher text (c) decrypts to another dummy plain
the secret police gets to read 
the dummy plain text(D) using the surrendered key k` 
without compramising the real plain text(P). 

goes like this. 
p=plain text 
c=cipher text 
D=dummy plain text 
k=oiginal key 
k`=dummy key. 

Now A encrypt using a good asymmetric key 
Now A has cipher text C. 
Now A takes her Dummy plain text (D) and she, 
C (xor) D=k` 
Now to the secret police she can surrender k`. 
The secret police decrypts dummy plain text D as 
She can now say that she used k` as one time pads to 
encrypt C. 

There is no way to prove that k` is not a valid key
they ever get hold of k. 

hOW ever as what is said,it doesn't look like it will

Regards Sarath.

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