UBIK is a book by Philip K. Dick.
In the book, the main character is continually receiving messages to imbibe or otherwise apply the substance UBIK to himself. He is unaware (for most of the book) that he has died and is in deep freeze, and that his boss Runciter is sending him UBIK messages so that his consciousness won't rot too quickly.

From: "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Aerosil digression
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 09:39:59 -0800

>>Got Aerosil?
>What the heck is Aerosil? Is that like UBIK?

Extremely fine SiO2.  Helps disperse pharmaceuticals,
anthrax, VX.  Lots of others uses.  Bugs U$G that
the New Next Target bought some.

What's UBIK?  D'you mean Dr. Seuss' "Ooblek"?
Is Ooblek on the ITAR list?

Got Atropine?

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