>Mojo was intended to do this but it failed, I think it failed
>because they failed to monetize mojo before it was introduced
>as service management mechanism.

I think that there is a generic failure of systems that expect some
pre-determined benevolence and cooperation from end users. Contrary to wishful
thinking, people miss firmware for non-hierarchical self-organising via purely
technical means (internet). There is not one example that it works. The worst
side of this is that it means that there will always be choke points in
effective organisations, which pretty much sends cyberpunkish net anarchy ideas
down the drain.

I'm waiting to see what will happen with self-organsing 2.4ghz mesh networks,
if it is possible to misuse the fabric - maybe by establishing fat IPSec-ed
pipes accross the town to avoid leased line expenses ?

(of original message)

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