On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> > 1. large wifi networks start to hit scaling problems - they start to need
> > routers and name services that are relatively expensive, and ip address

Geographic routing completely eliminates need for expensive routing and 
admin traffic. Name services? Who needs name services? Localhost is 
sufficient for a prefix to an address namepace.

> > ranges start to become a scarce resource.

Actually, even a MAC has enough address space to label entire Earth 
surface with ~1 address/m^2, IPv6 addresses are plenty better here. And of 
course no one forces you to use actual IP addresses. You can sure tunnel 
TCP/IP through a geographic routing protocol.
> Not so. Self-organasing mesh networks appear to have some interesting
> properties. There is a number of open solutions and at least one startup I know
> about based on this.

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