On Sat, 7 Dec 2002, Bill Stewart wrote:

> At 11:38 PM 12/06/2002 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> >You should have tried this back in the late 80's with a single frame VHS
> >recorder and an Amiga Video Toaster...one frame at a time, thank god for
> >AREXX ;)
> If you were actually using the Video Toaster, and not just the Amiga's CPU,
> you had what passed for a really hefty amount of CPU-equivalent back then,
> because the video crunching happened in the Toaster card,
> not in the Amiga itself.  The Amiga had enough work to do just storing the
> compressed video onto a disk...

Agreed, but the point argues to my point not against it.



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