On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 01:37  AM, Lucky Green wrote:

James A. Donald wrote:
In general wars lead to a major temporary reduction in liberty,
but a smaller permanent reduction in liberty.  Unfortunately
the war on terror will probably never end, so there will be no
I heard some governmental official on the radio the other day (I paid
attention too late to catch the name)
(Sidebar: I often wish for TIVO radio. I use my personal video recorder (PVR) features extensively to rewind through a story, to see what I came in late on, to catch a name. Great invention. Until Jack Valenti and his crowd have it declared a hacker tool, my Ultimate TV PVR is my favorite tool. I often find myself mentally thinking "hit the backup button.")

that the War on Terrorism should
be won in about 60 years, at which point the American citizens would see
their civil liberties returned. Obviously, only traitors, agitators, and
other enemy combatants would make the outrageous claim that this war
will likely last perpetually.
I would never say such a treasonous thing. As a liberal chick here in Santa Cruz once said at a public meeting, "The Constitution says people can have incorrect thoughts, but it doesn't say they can express them out loud if it's hate speech."

Besides, I don't have any desire to visit Camp X-Ray.

I have always loved Big Brother!

--Tim May
"To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this: Your tactics only aid terrorists." --John Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General

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