This is the best explanation of the behavior of the Democratic 
Party I've ever seen.

On Tue, 10 Dec 2002 20:01:37 -0500, you wrote:
> 1. Put a bunch of gorillas in a cage.
> 2. Put a nice stack of boxes in the cage.
> 3. Then, string a big bunch of bananas from the top of the cage
> hanging within arm's reach from the top of the stack of boxes.
> (3a. Okay, put the gorillas in last, or you'll never get to steps 1
> and 2 :-).)
> 4. When the first gorilla climbs to the top of the boxes to grab the
> bananas, do something extremely unpleasant to all the gorillas, like,
> say, deluging them with icy water from sprinklers at the top of the
> cage, or something.
> Pretty soon, they stop climbing the boxes completely.
> 5. Then, replace the one gorilla. Watch the others physically
> restrain him if he tries to go for the bananas.
> Repeat 5 until all the gorillas have been replaced.
> 6. The gorillas will physically assault anyone who climbs the
> pyramid, and they won't know why.
> :-).

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