>>> a man who hasn't yet thought of *any* American city he wouldn't really rather see nuked until it glowed <<<

I thought it was just one with the really large african-american population?

>>>-- or any cop car he wouldn't throw rocks at. <<<

Well if that's true,he doe's have a good side then. :)

>>> Who's finally figured out it's something really trivial; it's just a good ole boy lost-the-plantation-to-the-carpetbaggers Ol' Virginny cavalier thang, right down to the mock ebonics, the horror of miscegenation, the delusions of class and pretensions of honor <<<

Now we are getting warm and close to something detracting from crytoanarchy.
Racism and Revenge...not a good look Mong,lucky the chowderhett balances things:)

Now to a real fissured ceramic,jamesd...

>>>In a way, Mathew's and Choate's attack upon the list has done us a favour. The list is now effectively restricted to those with the will and ability to use filters, which raises the required intelligence level. <<<

Choate may be attacking this list.I am not,I stand ready to contribute to the Shoat dead pool.(and jamesd of course.my 2c)

>>> For a while Mathew kept changing his email address, <<<

Umm,the police from your country have to take a little credit there.The FBI.I notice that they never bother you.

>>> which led me to consider hunting him down and remonstrating him in person on my next visit to Australia,<<<

HaHAHA! Thanks mate,I needed a good laugh. You cant even ARGUE your way out of a brown paper bag.

>>>but now he holds it constant, so he and Choate are only a problem for idiots.<<<

The authorities seem to have more to worry about lately,thanks to real anarchist cypherpunk activists and others.No thanks to loony ex-trots and liars like jamesd.
Search for yourselves,don't just take my word for it.Only a problem for idiots indeed.

When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our jobs.
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