This is what I was talking about when I said, "what does it matter?"

Why does anyone even THINK that Bruce Schneier should be informed on the issue of 
governments and justice? And the fact that he opened his yapper about a subject he's 
apparently thought about for 15 minutes should be no suprise, given he's sending out 
that little newsletter.

The over-the-top reply to Schneier seems WAY out of proportion to what he said, even 
IF you asume he was 100% dead-ass wrong. It almost seems like he violated some kind of 
religious conviction.

Like I said before, P2P, Crypto, WiFi and cheap chips will turn everything upside 
down. But to be honest? I don't think anyone really knows what will emerge politically 
as a result. We can all postulate and present our little theories, but history is 
rarely what anyone predicts it to be, paticularly where technology is concerned.

And again, who cares WHAT happens to governments, as long as I can say what I want to 
whomever I want without worry about it being snooped on. And there's no way they can 
stop that now, just make things suck a little until they realize it.

-Tyler Durden

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