On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Dave Howe wrote:

> Not sure about Georgia - must be a fairly common problem though as I found a
> case at Browns Ferry Alabama (1975) where it all went tits up - no radiation

That's it.  I guess everything south of the mason-dixon line is the same
to me :-)  Ooops.

> danger on that one, but they had to manually scram as all the automated
> systems were lost - including the emergency cooling system that they had to
> jury-rig.  Can't find a record of the one I remember on the web anyplace - I
> can find an unrelated note that TMI operators had to go adjust valves and
> take readings in a "hot" environment, but their exposure badges only showed
> 1 REM at worst (with a note that this was approximately three weeks maximum
> allowable intake). Fairly sure it wasn't american though :(
> My references were on paper, not the web, and I *should* still have them. I
> will look about and if I can find them, scan them in for you to take a look
> at :)

Sounds good to me :-)  No new plants have been ordered in the US since
1972, and I think all were completed by 1993 at the latest.  I'd be
suprised if there's any nuke stuff on the web other than French.  They are
way ahead of everyone else!

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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