Mixmaster Version 2.9.0

Many people have helped with the development of Mixmaster over the past
eight years. Lance Cottrell wrote the original 1.x and 2.x versions. Ulf
Mvller contributed significantly to the 2.0.x versions, and wrote the core
code for 2.9 from scratch. I'd like to give special thanks to Peter
Palfrader, for all of his hard work and assistance in helping me continue
this project, and to Janis Jagars for his valuable code contributions.

Mixmaster uses Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler's compression library zlib,
Philip Hazel's Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library, the ncurses
library (originally written by Zeyd Ben-Halim and Eric Raymond), and
OpenSSL (based on work by Eric Young and Tim Hudson.)

I have compiled below a partial list of people who have contributed to
Mixmaster's success, through suggestions, bug reports, patches, or other
contributions. Please report any omissions to me.

There have been numerous anonymous contributions to this project as well.
While we obviously can't thank the contributor(s) by name, they are still
very much appreciated.

Thanks also to all the remailer operators, who give their time and service
(and perform what is too often a thankless job) to ensure that our right
to anonymous speech is preserved.

Len Sassaman
25 December 2002
San Francisco, California


Erik Arneson
Adam Back
Kevin Bennett
Gerd Beuster
Jim Castleberry
Bram Cohen
Lance Cottrell
Richard Christman
Todd Cutter
Dingo Admin
Andy Dustman
Sami Farin
John B. Fleming
Bryan Fordham
Ron Fritz
Mark Grant
Lucky Green
Mark Hahn
Janis Jagars
Richard Johnson
Alex de Joode
Johannes Kroeger
Ben Laurie
Patrick J. LoPresti
L. McCarthy
Christian Mock
Bodo Mvller
Ulf Mvller
Bill O'Hanlon
Peter Palfrader
John A. Perry
Scott Renfro
Len Sassaman
Markus Stvger
Nikolay Sturm
Rodney Thayer
Colin Tuckley
Andri M. VanKlaveren
Michael Young

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