The most likely explanation is that some subscriber to
one of the cypherpunks lists is using an account on
some machine at USPTO.GOV (which is the Patent and Trademark Office,
not the Post Office), and their mail server not only has an
antivirus filter but also a bad language filter.
While I don't like such things, at least it has the technical decency
to send bouncegrams to the sender, though the technical cluelessness
not to include the original MessageID header in the bouncegram
(presuming that the original message had one), i.e. it's broken,
and it also indicates the delivery time but not the Date: header
from the original message (which, though they're often missing,
can be important when trying to identify a specific message,
especially when there's no MessageID header.)

I'm guessing that this is the product from
(which is where redirects to...)
which filters away "SPAM, Viruses and unsavory content".

In case you're not aware, back when the list was dealing with
radical concepts like cryptography and implementations,
as well as speculative rants like Assassination Politics,
there were usually Feds subscribing to it, either openly or not,
just as there have been Feds reading Usenet for a long time.
Whether most of them are still around or have decided that it's
mostly the same old group having the same old rants is
an issue I'll leave to Major Variola to tell us :-)

At 10:24 AM 01/09/2003 -0800, Michael Cardenas wrote:
Anyone have any idea what the fuck this is? Is the post office
subscribed to cypherpunks?

----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----

Subject: ScanMail Message: To Sender, sensitive content found and action t

Trend SMEX Content Filter has detected sensitive content.

Subject = Re: citizens can be named as enemy combatants
Delivery Time = January 09, 2003 (Thursday) 10:46:04
Policy = Dirty Words
Action on this mail = Quarantine message

Warning message from administrator:
Sender, Content filter has detected a sensitive e-mail.

----- End forwarded message -----

michael cardenas       | lead software engineer,          | GNU/Linux software developer | encrypted email preferred

Listening to: Rusted Root - martyr

"That government is best which governs not at all."
- Henry David Thoreau

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

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