Major Variola wrote...

>Reference). Of course, the Bhagavad Gita is a subsection of the
Maybe your highschool has firewalled off anything that will lead
you to Hoffman, Ott, Huxley, etc.
Yeah, read all a lot of that shit 25 years ago. Seems easier to ask in an email while making some points. My mind only has a finite stack, and right now its still filled with SONET and OFAs. New financial crap comin' in knockin' the stuff out the bottom. Blame it on the 70s and (at the time) legal MDMA.

Hmm, the 21st century: all the world's libraries at your fingertips, but

now you're obligated to use them!
Bullshit. A tiny fraction of what's been in print is available online. Try to find Jung's Eranos Jarbuchs online (well, maybe it has shown up recently).


>Of course Hitler and the gang appropriated this term and pumped it with
>very different meanings,

LIST: even playing with a kitten and a laser pointer get tiring

Tyler, we know this shit.  We're not undergrads doing September here.
Next you're going to tell us how the swastik was a groovy Amerind sign
before it was coopted by Austrians. Or continue to slog through the
of the old world tribes.  See _guns germs and steel_, btw.
Hard to tell, based on what I read here. I've been assuming everyone was so totally friggin' clever here, but its occuring to me that a lotta the shit I've written here was completely misunderstood.

including notions of "racial purity". I was curious
>as to whether Tim May meant this version of the term or what (and all
>is concomittant, including hoped-for genocides), in which case
>him with a heavy, blunt object in the base of the skull would be a
break for
>all humanity.

Here's a very general clue: Tim has a clue.

Tim's exposed himself under that nym for some time now, do some
Yeah, I did a little bit and that which I found was inconclusive. He seemed to reject the concept of "race" (indicating he has a clue), but he's also indicated that frying 2 million welfare mutants would be desirable. How much time do you think I need to spend? How much time do you think I have? Seemed a hell of lot easier to ask.

Another hint: keep your irony meter powered up when reading posts here.
Carefully remove the sarcasm filter from the satire window to detect
tongue-in-cheek rays.

Bigger hint: you might have saved us all some
by writing off Aryan as a simple sound pun: Bay Area -an, get it?

Finally, here's something to keep in mind: culture != race.  You can
slam a culture --after all, values are choices-- pretty rationally,
thought there's not much evidence for slamming gene-based human groups.
You can decry zionist colonialism without animosity towards hebrews.
You can mock decrepit urban negro, or appalachian caucasoid, or
suburban soccermom culture without impugning the genome of the actors.
Well, this I agree with, and in certain special cases it may actually be a fruitful thing to do. Believe me I'm not so politically correct as to not say "I'm not sure the culture of most people in mainland China is such that they could handle something like democracy" (I lived in China in the 80s). Or "African Americans have made absolutely world-class contributions to the arts, but most of them settle for the white-produced ghetto bullshit that's designed to keep them away from white jobs."

But this explaining of the obvious is becoming painful,
please assume we're a group of at least peers, if not
polite tolerant but decreasingly amused elders.
OK, I'm hearing your pain. For the larger part, what you yourself post has seemed to be on the money, and there's a significant fraction of what May posts that I agree with (unfortunately, he doesn't seem to realize that because my own opinions are not couched in the obvious rhetoric). At the same time, throwing out praise for the death of millions indicates the guy's never seen any real suffering in his life. Add to that the fact that he has consistently told me not to post, or reiterated his rules for whatever, and smells to me like a fascist. Do I need to stick my nose up his ass in order to figure out what he had for dinner?

As for "Elders", how old are most residents here?. Don't confuse an online personality with reality. Granted, I'm not in my 50s yet, but I've been around the block a time or two. I do, however, allow myself to periodically morph into and out of said online personality (sometimes mid sentence).

I'd also point out the need to be deliberately oblique. I'm not sure we aren't actually headed towards a time where any of us can be carted away for expressing how we really think. I also don't kid myself about whether "someone could be listening". And I'm also not convinced that those techniques our boys at the School of the Americas have been teaching might not start to be used here at home "for our own good". You know, I really don't want to be tortured.


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