At 01:38 AM 1/14/03 -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
> data speeds on cell phones are
>getting fast enough that if they've designed the phones right,
>you can get at least CU-SeeMe quality video and maybe better,
>with 64kbps, and ostensibly 384kbps
>But it's a start.

Its pretty common to see a "reporter" holding a cell phone up to a
talking head surrounded by more conventional microphones, tape

When a major news medium first uses a video snip recorded from a phone
at the
scene, the Brinworld clock will have advanced another second.

And then some Nokia yahoo will introduce some more interesting features
used to be found in $10K specialized video/recording equiptment
* snap a frame if something moves (security)
* FIFO the last N seconds
* low light/IR/frame accumulate
making the 7segment LED Brinworld clock blick closer to midnight.

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