My thought was that James is some kind of Fed. I suspect Chomsky is one guy they most don't want around these days. His accusations on the Chomsky dis website were technicalities and hair-splitting, even somantic.

Chomsky is an in-your-face fuckin' giant. And even if you don't agree wih his politics, ya GOTTA love a guy who is that much of a pain in the ass!
And, wrt some issues of US national and foreign policy, he's totally all over dat shit.

Chomky's da MAN...enjoy him before he 'mysteriously' dies.

From: Jim Choate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Security cameras are getting smart -- and scary
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 11:13:32 -0600 (CST)

On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

> For all I know, I've been posting on a list haunted by a bunch of
> crypto-white supremists (crypto, as in secret, hidden). And if that's the
> case, then I want to know. Figured I'd ask for clarification on this issue.
> (And from some of May's comments in the past, it wasn't clear to me.) If
> that makes me a moron, so be it.

There is definitely a faction of this sort on this list, has always been.
Will always be. I just lump the whole kit and kaboodle into the 'CACL

May's one of the leaders of that contingent. He's into 'freedom for me,
but not for thee'.

> BTW...You're not the guy with the "Chomsky Dis" website are you?

He's the one who claims Chomsky is lying and then retracts the statement.
What he's got is exactly what Chomsky called it 'a joke' (and I'm no big
supporter of Chomsky, either his science or his politics).

I'm still waiting for James to provide the other references he claims are
on that page, but aren't. He claims to have done a thorough study of
Chomsky's work and developed a list of bad references and such. Though he
has steadfastly refused to share it with anyone (and it is -not- on that
page as he has claimed on this list several times). I asked one (and ask
again) what references in 'Deterring Democracy' are bogus? I'm still
waiting for a clear, honest answer to that one. I suspect it is a futile


We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
are going to spend the rest of our lives.

Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


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