At 03:20 PM 1/15/03 -0800, Petro wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 09:15:57AM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
>> On the other hand, if the US were following the traditional model
>> for defense rather than having a standing army stomping around the
>> it's highly unlikely that somebody like Al Qaeda would have attacked
>> the World Trade Center, because they wouldn't have had their
>> about the US infidel forces stationed in the Holy Land of Saudi
>> They *might* have attacked Exxon headquarters because of Exxon mercs
>> stationed in the Holy Land.
>    Bullshit.
>    First off, the same groups would have been torqued off that we were

>    guilty of "cultural imperalism" by allowing (or assisting) american

>    companies to push product over there.

They would simply have had a social-boycott or a government-imposed ban.

Both are used in the US.  (Only the government-imposed one uses force,
its generally invisible bureaucratic violence by Customs workers at

>    Secondly, other groups would have been just as pissed off at us for

>    *not* helping them.

Not if the USG had no policy towards anyone.  One more time, George, for
Trade with all, make treaties with none, and beware of foreign
-George Washington

I guess RTFF: RTF Fatwa

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