
Iraqi high ranking officers had the oppurtunity to
defect in the 1991 war too.
By the way how many of these officers who go for
battle ever check e-mail.

--- "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>                     radio broadcasts and leaflets
> dropped from airplanes
> instead. .

This method was a total failure in afghanistan.It just
makes we wonder why u.s is going with this war-they
really dont have the international support.most of the
 world back chats on the u.s but coz these nations 
need the u.s,they simply go with u.s
Saddam has been preparing for this war for years.
There is a new oil pipe line being completed through
turkey-caspian sea.once thats over the war should
Russia will never give US its support-the russians are
looking big to invest in iraqi oil once the u.n
sanctions are lifted.Most of asia also derives oil
from iraq.


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