On 18 Jan 2003 at 10:01, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
> The terrorists have made it pretty clear what their gripe 
> with the U.S. Government is, and it has nothing to do with
> trade, the American lifestyle, or the elusive freedoms that
> Americans supposedly enjoy.  It has everything to do with US
> troops stationed in nearly every country in the world
> (specifically, Saudi Arabia),

That was one indictment of many.  Another indictment was the
crusades.  Bin Laden seemed most strongly upset about the
reconquest of of what we call Spain, but which muslims call by
another name.

In the most recent communique (which may not be Osama Bin Laden
but his successor pretending to be him) he gave a Leninist rant
that the arabs are poor because the rich countries are rich,
espousing the Marxist argument that simply being a citizen of a
wealthy country is a crime deserving of death.  This makes me
suspect that the original Bin Laden is now a grease smear on
some Afghan rocks, since the original Bin Laden was a
Heideggerean, and would spit on any Marxist unless that Marxist
was dying of thirst in the desert.

         James A. Donald

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