On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Michael Motyka wrote:

> If you're not using a domain name then your script could publish your
> IP address on your home page ( in the clear or not as you choose ).

The local friendly telco monopoly (~97% of all DSL connections in
Krautland) separates the PPPoE modems at least once in 24 h.
Unfortunately, the provider collaborates with the feds, and retain the
connection info:  <http://www.heise.de/ct/aktuell/data/hob-14.01.03-000/>

I used to run a crontabbed script that queried a cgi-bin giving back the 
remote address

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# get own ip addres in plain text

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

which got parsed and uploaded as a HTML page to a fixed point in address
space. However, thanks to dyndns.org and router with dyndns clients
built-in this is now much more painless (no need to hack ddclient to parse
your router's status page). More interesting, current wireless routers
seem to support VPN tunnelling (IPsec, specifically). Given the
capabilities, it would be a piece of cake to slip a VoIP package such as
Speak Freely into it. With a headset/USB connection and a web interface to
control the app it would certainly provide some added value and be immune
to firewalling woes.

Speaking of which, has anyone tried Tarzan 

If yes, what is your opinion of it?

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