How about this news?

Last night in the State of the Union address, Bush repeated the lie
that Iraq is creating nuclear weapons, stating the evidence of the
aluminum tubes purchased, which he claimed were used to enrich

These remarks were made despite the fact, discussed here:

that the International Atomic Energy Agency's report on Monday stated
clearly that the tubes "cannot be used directly for [uranium]

So, Bush is either illiterate or just flat out lying, once again.

On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 09:00:01PM -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> > And tonight, I am instructing the leaders of the FBI, Central
> >Intelligence, Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense to develop
> >a Terrorist Threat Integration Center, to merge and analyze all threat
> >information in a single location. Our government must have the very best
> >information possible, and we will use it to make sure the right people
> >are in the right places to protect our citizens.

michael cardenas       | lead software engineer,          | GNU/Linux software developer | encrypted email preferred

Listening to: KPFA-FM - Berkeley, CA

"Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow."
- Oscar Wilde

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