On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 09:25:22PM +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Blanc wrote:
> > A sad, disturbing prospect to contemplate.  Someone on another list
> > remarked that it might become necessary for those in Europe to do some
> > internet-type rescuing of the American people.  Hmmmm.
> If things get utterly intolerable, and fighting makes no sense since
> you're in a minority you can always emigrate. My parents did it more than
> twenty years ago when leaving Evil Empire; some of my best friends are
> expats unwilling to go back to Merkinland for political reasons.
> Don't count on EU, we're just as fucked, albeit with a slight delay.

   Problem is, where to go? I haven't the slightest desire to move to EU, Canada
is looking better all the time in some respects, but there is literally no true
freedom of speech/press there, and as nice as Costa Rica looks, they (or any of
the South American or Meso-american countries) are not a sure safe place with
the Great Satan to the north likely to impose a change of government at whim. If
I had the wherewithal, building a large floating farm might be a good choice,
although Satan's minions seem to no longer recognize rules of the sea, national
ship registry, or anything else these days with US Navy and "Coast
Guard" stopping ships and fishing boats all over the world and searching them. 

Harmon Seaver   

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