at Thursday, February 06, 2003 3:44 PM, Peter Fairbrother
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was seen to say:
> David Howe wrote:
> a) it's not law yet, and may never become law. It's an Act of
> Parliament, but it's two-and-a-bit years old and still isn't in
> force. No signs of that happening either, except a few platitudes
> about "later".
Indeed - and the more FaxYourMP can do to keep that ever coming into
force the better :)

> b) Plod would have to prove you have the key, and refused to give it,
> before you got convicted. Kinda hard to do.
Not true - they have to prove you *had* the key at some point in the
past. having lost the key isn't a defense

> c) you already know this!!!
probably - it was an oversimplification of a complex legal situation.
the law *is* on the books, and as far as I can see, all that is stopping
the first part of it coming into force is the desire of the HO to add a
shopping list of new people to the list already defined in the act. I am
assuming that the part we are discussing here is "held up in the queue"
until the bits before it come into effect.

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