On Wednesday 19 February 2003 11:01 pm, John Kelsey wrote:
> At 03:21 PM 2/19/03 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> >"If their goal is to blackmail us into not invading them, I don't think
> >they need to threaten to nuke LA or DC."
> >
> >As I said before, the obvious thing would be for North Korea to threaten
> >to nuke itself!
> This should clearly be called the "Blazing Saddles" strategy.
> >-TD
> --John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Or they could be trying for the "The Mouse that Roared" strategy.

The press does say that Kim Chong-IL is quite a movie buff, but I doubt he 
does a very good Peter Sellers impression :) 

Neil Johnson
PGP key available on request.

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