One wonders how much of the US spook-infiltrator's skills/cover were
provided by Lindh to save his butt:

WASHINGTON  The sheikh was a devout Muslim whose lifelong
ambition was caring for the poor in Yemen, one of the world's most
underdeveloped nations. Yet now he needed help himself. His health
was deteriorating, and no facilities in his country were sophisticated
enough to treat him. 

So he turned to his new friend, "Yussef," a wealthy but disillusioned
young African-American. Yussef had converted to Islam and traveled
to Yemen to become more devout, like the now infamous John
Walker Lindh.

The young convert suggested a trip to
Germany, where the sheikh could both
visit experienced doctors and raise
money for his causes.

But Yussef wasn't the person he
seemed. As an American undercover
agent, he was trying to trap the Muslim
leader, who is alleged by the US to be a
key financier of terrorism. What followed
is a tale of deception, betrayal, and
intrigue - and of the clashing international
interests and viewpoints that make the pursuit of terrorists so

"Undercover arrest stirs terror rift"

Got Body Bags?  Sure you have enough? 

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