Tyler Durden wrote on February 17, 2003 at 20:53:14 -0500:

> Tim Veil wrote...
> >Because the money that is "given" to them through these unconstitutional
> >federal gravy-train programs was stolen from me, and millions of other
> >taxpayers at gunpoint.
> Again, I'm not sure why this results in rancor towards those receiving such
> funds.

What part of my above paragraph did you not understand?

> It's not like black folks are really running this show.

Who "runs the show" is not at issue here. What _is_ at issue is that the
money received by these welfare-suckers is money that was taken from _me_.


> Want one piece of a solution? Excellent, no-bullshit schools.

You're not going to get this with government schools. Better that schools
compete for students in the marketplace.


> >--
> >Tim Veil

Fucking with quoted text is _not_ cool.

Tom Veil

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