On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 10:46:31PM -0600, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
> An important part of Lincoln's propaganda machine was simply to imprison 
> anyone who criticized him.  He imprisoned any newspaper editor who had 
> the gall to criticize him.  Other newspapers he put out of business by 
> instructing the Post Office not to deliver their publications (mail was 
> the most common means of receiving the paper at the time).  He had a 

And has been rewarded thusly:

(Off-topic: That's from the first batch of photos I've placed online from 
the Canon 1Ds camera I reviewed, which is a very nice 11 megapixel SLR. If
folks would like to see an excerpt from the full-size image, let me know.

Justice Taney, who stood up to Lincoln and was promptly ignored, got a far
less impressive statue here:

It's sad but predictable that journalists tend to lionize Lincoln without
realizing that he was hardly a friend of a free press. Of course such a 
situation could never arise today.


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