> * Using the output to seed MD5 for the next block exposes that part of the
> state of the RNG.  Might be better to use half the MD5 output as seed for the
> next block, and the other half as output data.

The RNG takes most of its input (except the initial seeding) from the
external source of de-facto-impossible-to-predict-accurately data.
However, it's a good comment; the program should allow to switch on this
mode, trading added entropy for output stream rate (the program was
originally intended as moderate-bandwidth, to produce a CD worth of random
data in no more than few hours).

> * Your RNG takes input from an attackable source.

The input - the TV tuner card audio device - was chosen on the basis of
being available without me having to leave my chair when I got the idea; I
am aware about this risk, though I don't expect an active attack of this
kind ot be feasible against an offline OTP generator.

However, I was playing with the idea of using a just-slightly-modified
program to continually feed the entropy pool. Then the risk of active
attack becomes more real. Also, vast majority of my computers don't have a
tuner card in, so they will be dependent on an external noise source. Here
a "real" noise generator has to come to play. Looking for something
simple, powered from +5V.

At this moment, I am pondering to design a small analog noise generator
for the microphone input of a sound card (as most of my servers which
could need this toy have an onboard soundcard). The mike input is designed
for the electret microphone, which needs a power supply; the input is
AC-coupled with a capacitor and connected to the power supply through a
resistor. So there is a miliamp or two on few volts that I can use for the
noise generator. Its usability as a power supply is likely to depend on
the board/soundcard; I measured available voltages being 0.7V on a
motherboard-integrated card, 2.5V on my POS laptop, and 4.8V on a PCI128
soundcard. With a simple noise-generator circuit (possibly a 1458 opamp
fed with something like a Zener diode noise or anything similar suitable),
it could be a very cheap and simple random noise generator (the whitening
of the signal through a hash function is a must here, though, as the
desired simplicity of the circuit will likely result in an uneven spectral
distribution of the output, thus lower-than-optimal entropy). Even if the
soundcard mike input won't offer high enough voltage, we can borrow +5V
from keyboard, mouse, joystick, or USB port, for the cost of another
connector and another piece of wire (which then turns an elegant neat
clean sleek single-plug design into a wirey mess, but on the other hand
allows us to put it all inside the server's case - then we can even take
advantage of +12V available from the HDD power supply connector, and feed
the signal into the CD-IN on the onboard sound card; using two
independent noise generators and feeding their outputs to left and right
channel could neatly double the input bandwidth).

The point of this device isn't to have an absolutely-bulletproof system,
but to provide good-enough-for-nearly-everyone el-cheapo HW RNG for under

> be attackable - it would depend on how well I could manipulate the /dev/dsp
> output via my transmitter.

You could eg. get the system to receive a continuous clean sine wave, or -
more likely - feed it with high-amplitude impulses. Until I'll talk myself
into putting together the hardware RNG from the previous paragraph.

> The present check only requires that some pair of bytes differ by >16
> - something that might be relatively easy to cause with a transmitter.

Yes. The intention of the check in this version was to prevent operator
blunders like feeding the program from a switched-off signal source.
Better statistical check would be a good thing, though; however, my
math-fu isn't good enough yet to come up with something simple.

> Of course, reading 128 bytes buys you a lot of entropy even just
> from marginal noise, so you may still be okay.

This was what I hoped for. :)

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