On Tue, 4 Mar 2003 14:33:59 -0800, you wrote:
> At 1:08 PM -0800 3/4/03, Tim May quoted:
> >"If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
> >hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're
> >around." --attribution uncertain, possibly Gunner, on Usenet
> Would the converse read?
> "If I'm going to reach out to the Republicans then I need a third hand.
> There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my freedom while they're
> around."
> It seems to me that right now, my wallet is at risk due to the rise in
> federal debt, whether by depleting my savings through inflation, or by
> higher future taxes to pay the debt.  The attack on freedom, lead by the
> Republicans, has been commented on so frequently here I don't need to add
> more.

If you think your wallet is less at risk with Democrats making 
the tax law, or if you really think we are having inflation now 
(versus the risk of deflation), or that the Democrats will keep 
your taxes down in the future, then you need to run out and take 
voting lessons so you can make yours count. In your spare time, 
find a Democrat, or anyone else, who will stand up and be 
counted and fight against Patriot II, also known as the "Repeal 
of the Bill of Rights without State Ratification". Good luck, 
all of them, Democrat, Republican, and Independent, are busy 
being panicking cowards right now.

Maybe, you can figure it out. Here is a hint. Republicans are 
like "The Rock" and Democrats are like "Stone Cold Steve 
Austin", and elections are like "WWF Slap Down". It's fixed, get 

The contest is not between Dems and Repubs, it's between 
government and the governed.

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