At 12:21 PM 03/12/2003 -0800, Tim May wrote:
They are entitled to set their alarms to trigger on CDs in my laptop case, books from other stores, etc.

But they are not contractually entitled in any way to cause me to reverse my direction and return inside their store for a meaningless examination of my briefcase (or purse, were I a chick). They can of course invite the police to make an arrest.

That would be interesting. Several people might earn the coveted death warrant.

Is that like one of those Jeff Foxworthy things?

"You might be in need of killin' if ......"

Also, to add another Brinworld connection, he at least occasionally pronounces the name of one of his recent books ("Kiln People") as "Killin' People"; having not read it, I'm not sure how much that's meant to be a pun as opposed to just enunciation.

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