Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is no excuse for use of unconventional warfare against the US nor does it
> delegitimize the US's use of force to defend themselves.

   What a crock of shit. I sure hope that Saddam kept enough sarin to bring
an excrutiatingly horrible death to all 250,000 of those Nazi boys Dubbya
sent over there, and then maybe those lunatics in DC will really go off the
deep end and nuke Baghdad, sending the entire Muslim world into a total
century long jihad against the US.  

> > > Of course, in order to secure our freedom, all citizens must actively
> > > support our government's efforts to secure this freedom. Anyone who
> > > does not obviously support American freedom is clearly opposed to it and
> > > must be stopped, or he will help our enemies take away our freedom.
> > 
> > More Freedom = Less Government.  I support maximal freedom.
> By that reasoning, maximum freedom equals no government.  Let's disband the
> police and military and see how long the US lasts.
    Better anarchy than the present fascist police state. If we're lucky
enough, the Muslim jihad will so damage the fedzis, that the rest of us
will be able to pick off the rest of the pigs and feebs.


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