That's, quite a maybe there...,2933,81480,00.html Iraqi Oil Money May Be Used for Humanitarian Relief ^^^^^^ Wednesday, March 19, 2003 UNITED NATIONS . The United States and Britain are working on a plan to use Iraqi oil proceeds from a $40 billion account to pay for humanitarian supplies during a war to disarm Saddam Hussein, The Associated Press has learned. The proposal, based on the assumption that Saddam will be quickly overthrown, is to be presented shortly after a military conflict begins, according to diplomats and U.N. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. The plan would not give Washington and London direct access to vast Iraqi cash reserves in a U.N. escrow account. Instead, by channeling the money into immediate humanitarian relief, the plan would alleviate U.S. and British financial responsibilities for caring for millions of Iraqis. <SNIP> ----------------------Kaos-Keraunos-Kybernetos--------------------------- + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\ \|/ :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\ <--*-->:Instead of rewarding|monitor, or under your keyboard, you \/|\/ /|\ :their failures, we |don't email them, or put them on a web \|/ + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often. [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------