On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 11:21:37AM -0600, Keith Ray wrote:
> Quoting Thomas Shaddack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > They forgot to make corrections for the option when there is no agreement
> > of the Security Council, maybe under the mistaken belief Bush won't play
> > unfair. Sidestepping the new resolution in order to exploit a loophole in
> > the previous one is an unclear move.
> That's a bold-faced lie!  The Bush administration made it clear BEFORE
> resolution 1441 that it already had the authority to use force against Iraq.

   They don't have that option. They have to obey international law. Bush,
Cheney, Rumdumb, and Powell all need to be sent to the Hague. What we need is
for the UN to invade the US, depose it's evil, warmongering leaders, despose of
it's weapons of mass destruction, and free the oppressed populace. 

Harmon Seaver   

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