On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Steve Schear wrote:

> I guess you have unlimited time and consider your time worthless.  Its not 

That doesn't follow at all. I consider my limited time very valuble.

I simply believe creating an artificial scarcity at the infrastructure
level a bad way to address spam.

> the transport costs sender-pays is trying to price its our 
> time.  Sender-pays is trying to enable email recipients to establish a 
> price for their eyeballs and attention.   Advertisers do all the time.

Cash exchange for mail transport will simply create a new profit center
for ISPs. This is no different than the various
request-permission-to-transmit proposals, aside from adding cost
to the mix. Doing so will cut down on normal person to person discourse
before it fixes spam.

Presupposing micropayments for a new net.service has been a nonstarter
for years, and I fully expect it to continue to be so.


Jamie Lawrence                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Strangers have the best candy.

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