On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Tyler Durden wrote:

> >
> 1. What makes these "lies" as you claim "commie"? Do you think that by 
> impugning US policy in the region we are by implication stating that the 
> forced exit of the Soviets was bad? Quite saying "commie" all the time. All 
> the commies are dead, except for 1 in Cuba and a couple of really old guys 
> in rural China.

Hey, what do you guys want? Not only are we not very useful, but, hell,
I don't think we've been *communist* since at least the first attempt
around at asian nations. Oh, wait. "Commie" means "not like me".

> 2. You knowledge of history is as shoddy as your ability to spot communists 
> and their "lies". The CIA actively recruited and trained Isalmic religious 
> students and helped build and arm the Taliban. And frankly, despite the 
> fact I've never been a supporter of US foreign policy, I was all for it. 
> The Taliban SEEMED at the time to represent a clear "moral" force that 
> alone had the power to unify Afghanistan and bring an end to the Chaos. 
> WHat exactly went wrong I have never fully understood, though I DO know 
> that had I been Afghani, and had I seen a foreign Talib slapping around an 
> Afghan woman, I would have done my best to off the punk. ANd Mullah Omar 
> doesn't seem to have been all there on some levels...

Mr. Powell, please meet Mr. Durden. Mr. Durden.. oh, hell he isn't
European, is he? He is? Fuck it. Kill him anyway. I'm bored. Is there
any cake around?


Jamie Lawrence                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied 
corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a 
trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country."
   - Thomas Jefferson

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