On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 04:32:47PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> Speaking of the Christers and their strange beliefs (about Rapture, 
> Tribulation, Second Coming, etc.) versus the beliefs of Muslims, I 
> prefer neither. As an atheist (agnostic, but only in the sense that I'm 
> "agnostic" that the laws of thermodynamics represent reality), I have 
> use for neither.
> However, the Christers seem to be much more dangerous. They are 
> essentially living for the next world, convinced that world war is part 
> of God's Plan and that the Jews in Israel must rebuild the Temple so it 
> can be destroyed, ushering in the the Rapture and Christ's Dominion on 
> Earth.

    And don't forget that a large portion of the military are fundys as well.
For them, this *is* a crusade. And probably little concern for the Babylonians
(all followers of the anti-christ anyway) unless they convert. Remember Ann
whatsername talking about invading Afghanistan and converting them all to jesus?
Christianity spread, at least after the time of Constantine, by way of the
sword, primarily.
    Certainly that was true for Europe and the new world. Millions of very sweet
people were put to death in Europe who followed the old religions. In fact, the
Council of Nicea even outlawed the original followers of Rabbi Yeshua ben Yoseph
ha Natzri, Meesheach ha Isreal; started hunting them down and killing them off,
and, by 7th Cent. AD, the "Christians", as they called themselves by then, had
finished off all those who kept the original traditions as taught by the Rabbi
and more or less delineated in the Gospels and Acts.
     Yes, if dimwit dubbya is a true fundy, as he seems to be, then Goddess help
us. Things most assuredly will get very, very strange with a government this
powerful in the hands of fanatics with that worldview and mindset. And look also
at Asscruft -- the chief inquisitor. "Say you love Jesus -- SAY IT!" as they
tighten the rack. 
   Sigh, I must be getting old. Forgot all about Iraq/Babylon and all
that. Certainly puts a different light on things, doesn't it? 

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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