Tim May wrote:


> The American CIA, DIA, FBI, ONI, and other groups are
> quite capable of producing fake cargo manifest, fake credentials, fakes
> of all other kinds, and of planting faked evidence.

The kind of people who sell foreign foods to corner shops and ethnic
restaurants are capable of faking most of that. I have it on reliable
authority (from people who have used the service) that at least one
well-known Japanese shipping company you'll probably have heard of will
fake bills of lading for 25 dollars.  The people I met  who used this
service also (quite legally) faked EU origin for goods of "axis-of-evil"
origin for import into the USA by landing them in Britain or Holland,
and repacking in a new container.  

So that explains why so much Asian-style food seems to come from the
Netherlands - and there I was thinking it was down to the Dutch skill at
high-tech intensive agriculture :-)

I'd guess that a few transactions like that in series could hide pretty
well anything in a sort of real-world mixmaster. It would be traceable
by a determined effort, but probably not by the effort most journalists,
or even small-country police forces would be able to put in, especially
if the the paper trail or the real route went through some pairs of
states that don't want to be seen talking to each other in public.

In the unlikely event that the North Koreans wanted to send a nuke to
the USA, they might not need an ICBM. Just bribe or otherwise subvert a
few shipping clerks in South Korea or China and get them shipped over in
a container of tractor parts. (Or as Tim said a few months ago, send
them with the regular shipments of cocaine - though that would involve
first getting them from North Korea to somewhere that actually has an

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