I'm scanning all four COWed networks--CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC--for images from the downtown Baghdad market and housing area strike. Supposedly Al Jazeera is showing the images of dismembered children, frantic searches under rubble, body parts blown against walls. Estimates are of 50 dead, though this may change.

But are the Coalition networks showing any of this? No. At least not after having had plenty of time to either steal the Al Jazeera and other feeds, or make the usual reciprocal arrangements. Al Arabia out of Dubai and Al Jazeera out of Qatar are showing the images. Fox News ("Fair AND Balanced!") says the images are "harrowing" (this from a British reporter, as the word "harrowing" is far too harrowing for Americans to understand) and Fox says they do not plan to show the images.

Instead, we get pictures of Tomahawk launches and the usual rhetoric.

"Our glorious forces of liberation continued their march to liberate the den of the evil doers and the despot Soddom. Our noble embedded reporters say our forces of liberation are repelling illegal attacks by illegal combatants who are illegally defending their country against our Coalition of the Willing.

"Coalition of the Willing forces have fire-bombed the city of Dresden, deep inside the Axis of Evil nation of Germany, for its hosting of the illegal information service Al Jazeera Web mirrors. General Tommy Franks pointed out that we have to incinerate the city to save the city, that we have met the enemy and he is us, and that there's light at the end of the tunnel."

--Tim May
""Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." --Patrick Henry

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