> Free Congress Foundation's
> Notable News Now
> March 28, 2003
> The Free Congress Commentary
> Anti-war Protestors: It's Time YOU
> Start Imitating Our Troops!
> By Lisa S. Dean
> When it comes to supporting freedom of speech, I'm right there fighting with
> the next guy. But as with anything, there are limits to what freedom of
> speech can tolerate.

   Oh really? When I hear someone say there are limits to freedom of speech, 
I want to pick up a gun. 

> In San Francisco last week, protesters rallied carrying a banner reading,
> "We Support Our Troops Who Shoot Their Officers."  Now, moronic slogans such
> as "Bush is Hitler" and "Uncle Sam is a Terrorist" are tolerated because we,
> as a nation, support the right for even the dumbest of our citizens to
> publicly dissent.  That's what democracy is all about, or so they say.
> But that banner isn't expressing dissent and it's not freedom of speech.
> It's supporting sedition and is downright treasonous.

   Bullshit! The real traitors to Amerikkka are people like you and Dubbya. The
troops are out and out war criminals. They are the most evil force on the
planet at this time.

> In an attempt to calm the fury of patriots who wanted to rip these
> protesters in two, an apparently soft-hearted resident of San Francisco
> rationally explained where these protestors were coming from.  He opined
> that they have fallen on hard times because of the dot.com failures and are
> lashing out at anything in order to vent their frustration.  Nice try but NO
> SALE!  You mean to say that someone can act irresponsibly, even going so far
> as to put the lives of others at risk, just because you are throwing a
> temper tantrum over your miserable, sorry life?  I don't think so.
> Look, whatever you may think about this war, remember that these men and
> women are serving their nation and as a citizen of their nation, they are
> serving YOU.  They are putting their lives at risk FOR YOU.  They aren't
> doing this for publicity, or for some other self-serving reason, they are
> doing it FOR YOU.  And in case you didn't hear me, let me say it again, THEY

   The fuck they are. They are over there to rob and murder the Iraqi people.
My most fervent prayer is that they each and every one die the most
extruciatingly horrible and painful death possible. And when the body bags
start coming back, I plan to make a personal pilgrimage around the country to
piss on as many of their graves as possible.

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