On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 11:41 PM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

How can I tell if my alarm has been "down" for a period of time, assuming I
don't believe the records of the alarm company in such cases?

There is a plethora of various devices suitable for an alarm system, both
off-the-shelf and homemadeable.

You can cheaply roll out a camera system with a cheap PC with Linux and a
TV-input card with a 4051 analog-multiplexer-based

By the way, Americans and those in the American Empire (Iraq, Britain, Kuwait, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Liberia, Transylvania, etc.) should be very careful about discussing alarm techniques. In this post-Bill of Rights era, such talk can get you a year in a federal penitentiary, or if one is a Little Brother in one of the Affiliated Nations, an indefinite stay in our newest concentration camp, Camp X-Ray.

Just as it is illegal to fortify doors against midnight raids (the African Central Republic of the District of Columbia has laws outlawing the hardening of doors...I'm not kidding), helping perps deploy alarm systems which make "sneak and peak" and pre-dawn SWAT raids harder is criminal conspiracy.

Americans need to watch what they say. Talk about drugs, face a bust under paraphernalia and proselytizing laws. Talk about explosives, get a year in the pen. Talk about medicine, have the AMA goons call in the cops. Talk about the law, have lawyers claim that only Bar Association members may give legal advice. Talk about Hollywood, have Jack Valenti file charges.

I hear it's still legal to give an opinion about "The Brady Bunch," though Valenti says that loophole will soon be closed by Congress.

America died in 1861. Another political entity stole its domain name.

--Tim May

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