On 2003-08-25, Major Variola (ret.) uttered:

>As expected, animal and environmental activists are now being called

In many cases, that's an exaggeration. In some, it isn't. Animal rights
activists don't normally resort to the kinds of violence, say,
anti-abortionists do, but they do systematically disrupt certain sectors
of peaceful commerce, like the fur industry. That sort of terror is
focused enough not to cause the wider public to react, but it does hurt
you very, very badly if you've pegged your livelihood to said industry. At
least around these parts some people have actually met personal bankruptcy
because of the interference.

Few sane people would go with the current anti-terrorism legislation, even
when it's meant to counter real terror. Personally I'd rather see some
anti-gun use legislation rolled back, so that you could teach your
friendly ALF representative a lesson if he's dumb enough to meddle with
your foxhouse.
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university, http://www.iki.fi/~decoy/front
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