On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 10:01:38AM -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Peter Thonen wrote..
> "On that same note, any weekend warrior who complains about being activated 
> has
> no sympathy from me.
>  Take the devils coin, be prepared to do his work also."
> Well, what if the Devil stole that $ from you in the first place? What 
> level of subversion is appropriate in order to re-appropriate those $$$? 
> This case is clearly different from the true blue career war criminal, ehr 
> I mean career soldier. Here, these people have likely been paying taxes for 
> a while! So I don't mind too much if they're trying to dodge their 
> commitment in this context.

     I think also a great many of the young guys joined the National Guard in a
patriotic fervor right after 9/11, but by the time the crusade against Iraq got
started, quite a few had become well aware that Iraq had nothing to do with
9/11, that the invasion was all about oil, etc, and weren't willing to go. 
    It seems that the military is claiming that we are in a "national
emergency" and they can do whatever they want, despite laws to the contrary.

Harmon Seaver   

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